Mix well. Cover the pot and leave in the refrigerator for 1-2 hour or until double in size.
After 1-2hour of fermenting the dough has double it size. Add in your choice of topping. Mix well.
e.g. 100g raisins, grated cheese, ham, chocolate chip etc .....
Spoon the dough into a baking cup. Approx.60g
Then use a chopstick to stir and tidy up the dough and form into a neat ball.
This method is to replace the traditional method of hand kneading and creating a soften texture.
Leave inside an unheated oven for 30mins to relax again.
After 30mins remove from oven and preheat the oven to 220deg.
Place the cupbread in the oven and baked for 10-15 mins until slightly golden brown. After baking remove from oven and let it cool for 20-30mins before eating. By then the crust is soft at touch.
Note :
If 12 portion is too much to serve at one go you can keep half the portion after STEP5 chopstick stirring without proofing. Cover and deep freeze. Can keep for more than 1 week.
I normally will defrost the cupbread overnight in the chiller then the next morning straight into the pre-heated oven .
I grew up in a humble family with a simple lifestyle and have little expectation. In this little red dot, my roots grow. I got married to a caring husband and we had a pair of twin girls and a boy. As I was brought up in a conservative family, I strongly believe that women should always put her family as first priority.
I choose to stay at home to look after my family and to attend their daily need and always be there for them on a 24hour standby mode.
Recalling my childhood days, I love accompanying my mother to the wet market and savouring her signature dish. My mother is a good cook but she find cooking a chore and always complain of so much preparation work in order to cook a dish. Therefore in order to preserve these heirloom dishes, I am always on a look-out for short-cut method without compromising its quality. My children have benefited from these findings and cooking to them is a breeze. Our production are not of professional standard but good enough to be finger-licking.
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