My Kitchen Journey - Creative Cooking

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ingredients :
50g plain flour or hongkong flour
50ml water
1 tsp dried yeast

Mix all togther and set aside for 1/2 hour. Covered.

Ingredients : Main Dough - Sift together
250g plain flour
2 tsp double action baking powder
100g orange sugar

Liquid Mix together
1 egg
160ml to 180ml water

Method :
Put all the sifted ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
Pour the liquid in and mix well.
Add in starter. Mix well again.
If it is too thick add abit more water.

Line a big rice bowl with steaming plastic.

Scoop the batter over until almost full. Set aside for 10 mins.
(Very important, if not the fatt gao will not open up)

Prepare a deep steaming pot with glass cover so that there is enough space for the fatt gao to develop and you can observe it.

Steam over high heat for 30-40mins.

Test for doness by inserting a skewer in the centre. If it comes out clean it is done.

Vegetarian fatt gao - omit egg and add more water
Sweet potato fatt gao - throw in some chopped raw sweet potato

Fried shanghai Nian Gao

Ingredients :
1 pkt dried nian gao (200g) or
1 pkt 500g fresh nian gao (from korean grocery shop)

1 tbsp minced garlic
25g mini dried shrimp - soak, drain

(B)Cut into strips
200g lean pork or belly
10 nos black mushroom

100g chinese wong bok - cut into strips
1 tsp tongchai - soak, wash, drain
1 small chinese leek - shred - optional

(D) - Seasoning
1 bowl water
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tsp chicken granule

Method :

If you are using dried nian gao, soak it overnight or at least 10 hours. Drain.
If you are using fresh nian gao, no need to soak. Can use immediately.

Heat oil in wok, stir fry nian gao for a while. Dish Up.
Put another spoon of oil, add in (A). Fry till fragrant.
Add in (B). Stir till cooked.
Add in (C). Mix well.
Add in pre-fry nian gao and mix well.
Add in (D) seasoning and simmer for est. 10 mins till soft. Covered.
The mixture will dry up and have a sticky texture.

Dish out and served with chinese seaweed.(optional)


Fried Arrowroot chips - Cigu

Ingredients :

Any amount of fresh arrowroots.
Soak in water to remove any excess dirt.
Peel the skin then slice it thinly with peeler.
You can soak it in salt water for a while to remove excess starchy powder.
Drip dry or wipe it dry before deep frying.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cheesy Stuffed Potato

Ingredients :
1 big potato
1 tbsp milk or fresh cream
50g of shredded mozzarella and red cheddar cheese
1 egg yolk for glazing - optional

Method :
Steam the potato until cooked. Cool.
Halve the potato and scoop out flesh.
Mashed it and mix with cheese, milk
Scoop back to the potato shell and glaze with egg yolk.
Grill for 5-10mins until the cheese melted and slightly brown.

Serve hot.

Note : This is a healthy recipe as it does not require any seasoning. You can add in ham, bacon, brocoli bits.

Lap Yoke - Waxed Meat

Ingredients :
500g pre-sliced frozen pork belly - defrosted and wipe dry
30g sugar
40g light soya sauce
1/2 tsp salt or more
1 tbsp chinese rose wine
1/4 tsp msg or chicken stock granule

Method :
Mix marinate together and heat over low heat until sugar dissolve. Cool.
Put in the pork belly and marinate evenly. Turning occasionally and set aside for 1 nite.

Baked the marinate pork belly over a rack in the oven 70deg.
Heat 1 hour, cool 1 hour. Repeat the process for at least 10 times or until the meat is fully dry and slightly oily.

Alternatively you can sun-dry it for 3-4 days.
